Friday, October 15, 2010

Starbucks Brand Story

Starbucks has an interesting brand story. Howard Schultz created Starbucks in 1981. When Starbucks first opened it only had one location, in Seattle’s pike place market. Starbucks offered world renowned, fresh coffee. Starbucks got its name after Moby Dick.

The Starbucks of today was transformed because of Schultz travelling to Italy and seeing the experience at Italian coffee bars. He wanted to bring that “third place” atmosphere back to America. A third place means another place other than home or work to spend the majority of your time.

Starbucks is a different company than most because it cares about their employees, it cares about the quality of the coffee and it cares about everyone’s experience in the coffee house. Starbucks prides itself on its third place atmosphere by providing comfy chairs and couches, lots of tables, wireless internet, soft music, magazines and newspapers and friendly employees to help brighten up the customers day.

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